A medical chart is a list or catalogue containing information on doctors, specialists and health facilities available to provide medical care to insured persons or patients. It is an organisational tool used by health insurance companies or health care systems to help people access needed medical services.

Why is it so important to know the medical picture of aInsurance Company before hiring?

Imagine this:Eou’re looking for health insurance, and you come across a company that seems to offer everything you need: competitive prices, attractive benefits and a promise of exceptional care. But before you take the plunge and sign that contract, there is one crucial factor you must not overlook: The medical directory.

The medical chart is like a magic window that shows you what you need to know.services, specialistsdoctors,hospitals,centresdoctors and services are available to you. It is a kind of guide that ensures that, should you need medical attention, you will have access to professionals. toilets and facilitiesThe health insurance company itself or a third party is responsible for the medical treatment indicated therein, whether it is the health insurance company’s own or that of a third party..

Why is it so important to know the medical picture before committing yourself to aHealth insurance company? here are three reasons that will make you think:

  1. Freedom of choice: Knowing the medical directory allows you to assess whether the professionals and specialists you need are included in the company’s care network. The last thing you want is to feel limited in your medical options. By knowing the medical directory, you can ensure that you have the freedom to choose the right doctor for you, without feeling restricted or forced to settle for someone who does not suit your needs.
  2. Quality of care: Quality of medical care is paramount. By reviewing the medical chart, you can investigate the doctors, Hospitals and Are they recognised for their excellence? By knowing this information, you can make more informed decisions about which health insurance company will provide you with quality, reliable care.
  3. Access and convenience: The medical chart also gives you a clear idea of the location of doctors and health centres within the network. It is important to know if there are professionals close to your home or workplace, which will give you convenience and easier access to medical care when you need it. Imagine avoiding long journeys in times of emergency or having the option of choosing a nearby medical centre for your regular consultations.

There are many reasons to choose a health insurance company, which will always depend on your current and future health care needs.

At Asilux Care we help you with the arduous task of choosing a health insurance company. We analyse all the insurance companies on the market and advise you on how to choose the best one, taking into account your profile and current and future medical needs. To do this, we first listen to you in order to obtain a personalised and appropriate profile, taking into account your personal and economic situation, where you live, what is a priority for you medically, etc…

What is included in a medical chart?

A medical chart generally includes the following elements:

  1. General practitioners: General practitioners are general practitioners who provide primary and general care to patients. These professionals are responsible for diagnosis, basic treatment and, if necessary, referral to specialists.
  2. Specialists doctorsThe medical staff also includes a variety of medical specialists in different areas of medicine, such as cardiologists, gynaecologists, paediatricians, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, among others. These doctors have specific knowledge and experience in their respective specialties.
  3. Hospitals y Health centres: Medical cadres usually list hospitals, clinics and health care centres available to patients. These facilities can vary in size and services offered, ranging from outpatient centres to highly complex hospitals.
  4. Contact information: The medical directory provides contact details, such as addresses, telephone numbers and websites, so that patients can contact and make appointments with the doctors and health centres included in the network.
  5. Other services: Depending on the health insurance provider or health care system, the medical chart may include additional information, such as laboratories for clinical analyses, radiology or physiotherapy services, and other complementary services available in the network.

It is important to keep in mind that the inclusion of specific doctors and services in a medical chart may vary depending on the insurance provider or health care system. Therefore, it is advisable to review the specific medical chart of a company or health entity to obtain accurate information on the professionals and services available.

An insurance company’s medical list may vary and may not be updated on its website or in the company’s system, so it is important to make sure that the service you need and have opted for is still on the medical list. Don’t worry, Asilux Care will do the job for you.