International Patients

Our personalized services for you and your family:
1. Choice of the best medical specialist.
2. Accompaniment to medical consultation and/or medical treatments with health personnel.
3. Accompaniment to medical consultations and/or treatments with a translator fluent in medical jargon.
4. Accompaniment during hospital stay/admission with bilingual health personnel.
5. Airport pick-ups and transfers.
6. Search for accommodation in Spain.

Asilux Care - Pacientes Internacionales

Do you decide to come to Spain for health care or medical treatment?

If you have decided to seek medical treatment in Spain, there could be several reasons:

  • Lower prices. The most requested pathologies are usually traumatology, dentistry, cardiology, bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, nephrology and urology, although any of them could be.
  • Due to legal problems: Organ transplants (especially kidney), assisted reproduction and fertility treatments.
  • Second medical opinion by prestigious medical professionals in Spain.
  • Medical consultation in Spain together with tourism.

If you are traveling from outside of a European country, in most cases you will need a Visa to come to Spain for treatment. Either we or the hospitals send you an accreditation to present to your embassy so that it can be granted.

Services for foreign residents with private health insurance in Spain

If you are a resident in Spain and have contracted private medical insurance, you may have doubts about the coverage of this. Don’t worry, at Asilux Care we are here to help you:

  • Advice to choose the best health insurance company in Spain according to your profile, needs and location where you live. Not all health insurance companies have the same coverage in all locations, the difference is based on the choice of services and doctors they have contracted in the area, and depending on the possible infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, etc.).
  • We are going to be interlocutors with your insurance companies.
  • We will track down your medical chart to select the best specialists, hospitals and medical centers according to your pathology.
  • We will make the appointment with whomever you need. We know how to handle ourselves in these environments.
Asilux Care - Pacientes Internacionales

Services for foreign residents who do not have private health insurance in Spain

If you are a resident in Spain and you have chosen the Spanish Public Health Care, Asilux Care wants to make everything much easier for you. To this end, we offer you the following services:

  • A contact phone number that will serve as an interlocutor between hospitals and medical practices. They will talk to us in our language and we will communicate the message to you immediately. This service is designed for when the hospital or doctor calls you to change an appointment, provide pending medical information, etc…
  • Accompaniment to medical consultation and/or medical treatments with bilingual health personnel.
  • Accompaniment during hospital stay/admission with bilingual health personnel.
  • Help and advice in relation to any administrative or other procedure with your health center of reference, hospital and National Health System in Spain.

Services for foreigners traveling to Spain with private medical insurance contracted in their country

If you travel to Spain with medical insurance from your home country, sometimes they do not handle the necessary paperwork for you.
It is important to know what type of services you have contracted with your private medical insurance company, since in some cases our services are covered, but you should always evaluate your insurance coverage.
How does Asilux Care help you?
1. It searches for the best medical specialists, hospitals and clinics according to your pathology (health problem) at national and local level.
2. We manage appointments and priority medical tests.
3. We are interlocutors between medical specialists, hospitals and physicians.
4. Advises them where to go in case of hospital emergencies.

What does Asilux Care offer you?

Both (residents and long stays) encounter common problems such as:

  • Language problems.
  • Lack of knowledge of the health and hospital environment in Spain, which can lead to unexpected/unwanted medical care, payment of fees above the price, etc…

International patients can seek medical assistance at any time during their trip, request an appointment for medical treatment or seek a second medical opinion.

International patients and their companions are always welcome in our country, Spain.

Spain has a great experience in receiving foreign patients and health tourism, we take into account cultural differences, language barriers and the general feeling of disorientation due to a foreign environment.

All our services cover the client and his family.

We work with clients from all over Latin America, Europe such as the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

In short, they will only have to tell us what they need and we will take care of the rest..

Remember: The emergency medical telephone number in Spain is 112.