If there is one thing we are certain of, it is that throughout our lives we will need medical attention for one or more health problems, for a disease within the wide range of existing diseases recognised by the WHO;

There is a wide range of pathologies; Fortunately, nowadays technology, medical advances, the training of specialists increasingly oriented towards a medical sub-specialisation in the specific pathology, healthcare resources, medical centres and hospitals, both in the public and private sector, the pharmaceutical industry providing solutions for medical treatments from the pharmacological area; Many actors are involved in helping to cure or alleviate a disease;

We cannot overlook the latest that has been made available to health professionals to help them in their great work, we refer, among others, to the arrival of Artificial Intelligence in the Health Sector, in the field of health;

We all know the phrase: “Health is the most important thing”, we fully agree, without health we will not be able to fully enjoy the rest of the facets of our life. Every illness, regardless of its severity, which has to be corroborated by a good medical specialist, and undoubtedly also has a subjective component on the part of the patient, detracts from our quality of life;


Private healthcare as a complement to public healthcare

Regardless of the symptoms we have, the most important thing is a good diagnosis by a medical specialist to determine the pathology and subsequent treatment; At the first symptoms, in most cases, a General Practitioner or Internal Medicine doctor will be the first person to see so that they can make a good assessment of our case, according to our symptoms, deciding whether to request diagnostic tests that provide more certainty for diagnosis or refer you to a specific medical specialist;

In the event that we have a diagnosis of our illness, we can go directly to the medical specialist who treats this particular pathology, for confirmation, a second medical opinion or simply to monitor the illness; This may only be chosen in the private health sector; In the event that we opt for public medical care, the first step will always be the option of general medical care so that the latter can refer us to the corresponding medical specialist, if and when he/she considers it appropriate;


Differences between Public and Private Health Care in Spain

In Spain there are differences between choosing to be treated privately and publicly; The most significant are:

  • In the private sector we can choose to go directly to a medical specialist without having to go through the general practitioner;
  • In the private sphere, we can choose who and which particular medical specialist we want to be seen by;
  • In the private sector, we can choose a hospital or a health centre;
  • In the private sector, in the case of hospitalisation, we will have a room for individual use, unlike in the public sector where it will be shared by 2 or more patients, with similar or different pathologies;

Knowing well the Spanish health care model, all the factors that influence the idiosyncrasy of the Spanish health care system, we will always be able to evaluate whether to choose the private or public health care system;

At Asilux Care, we do not define ourselves in terms of private or public healthcare, but in terms of what is best for the patient depending on their illness and many other factors that accompany the patient, and even their family members;